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Levels of Play


Volleyball is our most popular sport!  We offer a wide variety of leagues, locations, and skill levels in an effort to provide everyone with a league that suits him/her.  If you don't find a league you believe will work for you, just let us know and if we discover enough interest, we will attempt to offer it in the very near future. 


Volleyball Skill Levels - More Defined




Beach Volleyball Seasons -


  • End of April - End of June 
  • 7-10 weeks of play
  • Registration begins approximately middle of March


  • Beginning of July - Middle of September
  • 7-10 weeks of play
  • Registration begins approximately middle of May


Indoor Volleyball Seasons -


  • End of September - End of December
  • 7-10 weeks of play + End of season tournament
  • Registrations begins approximately beginning of August


  • Middle of January - Middle of April
  • 7-10 weeks of play + End of season tournament
  • Registration begins approximately beginning of December




Beach Volleyball @ International Park 

Public Use/Rental
Toledo Sport and Social Club has the lease to run/operate 'The Beach' at International Park from the City of Toledo. 

FREE public use hours vary depending upon league schedules and private rentals.  Please email at least 24 hours in advance to reserve a court or check availability.  Be sure to include your requested Date, Times, and # of courts needed.



Sign Up Today
Select a league below to register
League Name Plays on Skill Level
Indoor: CoEd Mi 4s - SUN - Winter 25 Sunday Minors Schedule and Standings
Indoor: CoEd FF 6s - SUN - Winter 25 Sunday For Fun Schedule and Standings
Indoor: CoEd FF4s - SUN - Winter 25 Sunday For Fun Schedule and Standings
Indoor: CoEd FF6s - Mon - Winter 25 Monday For Fun Schedule and Standings
Indoor: CoEd REV 4s - WED - Winter 25 Wednesday Minors Schedule and Standings
Indoor: CoEd Mi4s - WED - Winter 25 Wednesday Minors Schedule and Standings
Indoor: CoEd REV 4s - FOR FUN - WED - Winter 25 Wednesday For Fun Schedule and Standings
Indoor: CoEd FF4s - WED - Winter 25 Wednesday For Fun Schedule and Standings
Indoor: CoEd Mi6s - THU - Winter 25 Thursday Minors Schedule and Standings
Indoor: CoEd Mi4s - THU - Winter 25 Thursday Minors Schedule and Standings
Indoor: CoEd FF6s - THU - Winter 25 Thursday For Fun Schedule and Standings
Indoor: CoEd FF4s - THU - Winter 25 Thursday For Fun Schedule and Standings

What's Included?
  • 7-9 week regular season matches
  • 1-2 week playoffs (all teams make the playoffs)
  • League t-shirts for certain leagues (check league details)
  • Championship team t-shirts
  • Court rental and League Facilitation
  • Up to 6 registered on a team of 4's and up to 8 for a team of 6's
  • Specials on Food and Drink at a local Sponsor Bar


NOTE:  League t-shirts are made possible by our great sponsors who appear on the back.  Teams who do not register by the deadline run the risk of not receiving league t-shirts.  Some leagues will not receive t-shirts based on the amount of TSSC sponsorship.

TSSC League T-Shirt Policies

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